Traffic Violations

Violations Can be Serious

Traffic tickets are frustrating, it doesn’t have to be devastating.

Eliminate Points

You have many options on how to remove points from your record. Call and learn more.

Understanding traffic ticket basics

Traffic tickets are handled in district courts throughout the state of Michigan. Determine which court will resolve your ticket and decide if you’re going to submit a “guilty,” “guilty with explanation,” or “not guilty” plea. Pay attention to your traffic ticket carefully, the time frame for submitting pleas for Michigan traffic tickets can vary from court to court.

How to get rid of points

In addition to fighting a traffic ticket in Michigan, you also have the option of taking a BDIC to dismiss your ticket. Keeping tickets and points from being added to your record is important, especially if your insurance rates are already high enough.

To take a BDIC to remove points and keep a ticket from being reported to your insurance company, you’ll need to receive permission from the Michigan Secretary of State. It’s important to remember that Michigan drivers can only take a BDIC course once in their lifetime. You could be eligible to take a course if you meet the following criteria:

You received a non-criminal traffic ticket

You have less than 2 points on your record

You’ve never taken a BDIC before

You do not hold a commercial drivers license

Your ticket has a value of 3 points or less

Your license is not currently suspended or revoked

Top Traffic Offenses in Michigan


Operating under the influence of liquor or drugs


Reckless driving


Fleeing a police officer


Operating while impaired


Drinking and driving under the age of 21


Blowing a stop sign or traffic signal


Failing to stop for a school bus


Driving 11 to 15 mph over the speed limit


Careless driving


Driving over the speed limit but less than 10 miles over

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